


TV Shows



: Started Witch on the Wholy Night yesterday and so far I really enjoy it, kinda different Visual …

: Finished Star Wars: Jedi Survivor last night, such a great Star Wars Story, loved it as much as the …

: I hate it when Meetings take way longer than scheduled and I miss trains because of it😩 And then, of …

: Next Game up: Star Wars: Jedi Survivor So far it plays like the first Title and I like the vibe very …

: Finished FF VII Remake and Integrate 2 days ago and what a Banger that was🤯 Music, Graphics, …

: Almost finished Final Fantasy VII Remake but will do that tomorrow. I’m only missing 2 more bosses …

: Really liked what I saw yesterday in the Nintendo Direct, looking forward to these Games: Dragon …

: So glad this workweek is behind me. So much to do and still, it felt like it was 3 weeks and …

: Someone has been shorn and now I feel the cold weather again on my head…speaking of which, it’s …

: George R. R. Martin really is one of us, a man of the people. Like us, he takes on every opportunity …

: Enjoyed the State of Play last night, even if only because Silent Hill 2 FINALLY got a release date …

: Dave the Diver Review Finished Dave the Diver on Monday, great game with a cool and unconventional story. I really dig the …

: Read another article about the supposed PS5 Pro that might be shipping this holiday season and I …

: Received my Baldurs Gate 3 Deluxe Edition yesterday and that thing is friggin HUGE (Amiibo for Size …

: Had an awesome lunch today with a micro-brew that was surprisingly good😌

: Just finished lubing and spring swapping my last 40 Cherry MX Blacks. Took some time but it’s worth …

: This month has been very good to me so far, I love all the 3 or 4 day work weeks because of all the …

: I love all these new corportate, made up names for old jobs and corporate speech, like “Talent …

: The ESC 2024 My thoughts about the ESC from last Saturday: This was my first one in a VERY long time, probably 12 …

: But…live-service games make more money than single player games🤡 Warner Bros. Games steps on …

: Steamdeck UI Error In case you also will get this error someday “cannot read properties of undefined” in …

: Finished shopping, cleaning the house and Espresso Machine Now for some breakfast and a little nap …

: Final Fantasy VII: Remake Started FFVII: Remake and my god, it looks so good on the PS5… And as someone who played the …

: Last Monday I platinumed 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, and it’s really such a great game. The story …

: As a german living in munich I have so many Questions😵‍💫 Spring Oktoberfest in Odaiba, Japan 

: Need to wait till tomorrow for enabling my new Synology as the box contained the wrong power …

: My public holiday project to keep me busy has arrived🤩

: Last Ditch effort against over-tourism “As a result, town officials say they’ll set up a vinyl …

: This Story is sooo good🤯 Very cool made Site Makeup, it’s a little long but very interesting to see …

: Breathing new Life into old Stuff Just finished switching out the old Battery of my old Dyson and did a deep clean of it while I was …

: Thank god it’s finally weekend, I have some Podcasts to catch up on that I didn’t get to yet because …

: You know the news cycle is VERY slow and nothing is happening when Macrumors is doling out their …

: My Figurines of Majima no Nii-san and Kiryu-chan have arrived from Japan and I couldn’t be happier, …

: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim really is bonkers, the deeper I get in the story, the more twists and turns …

: With all the sleet and snow coming down the last few days I’m really happy I haven’t packed away the …

: Got a nice chunk of gaming done out of 13 Sentinels yesterday💪

: Saw the first Ladybug this year yesterday

: Spend the last 2 evenings in Suno, listening to the different songs people have created and done …

: Watched the first Episodes of Masters of the Air and as a Band of Brothers Fan I‘m not yet sure what …

: Finished Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective 2 Days ago and still think about it… It’s a great Mystery …

: I have to admit, somehow Helldivers II excites me more than I expected But so far I’ve been …

: Finished Yakuza 7 yesterday after 80h and O-M-G, that ending hit so hard🤯😭 But I loved every minute …

: Happy Easter everyone🐰 Hope you enjoy a great time with your loved ones and lots of chocolate😁

: Oh no! With his charming hassaku face! Steaming Onomichi ramen hat! Cute fish pouch! Cool boots, …

: Been spending the whole evening yesterday just listening to the Soundtrack of the original Dragon …

: Finally Vacation Time can begin \o/

: Came home totally drenched even though I had an umbrella with me. The wind was stronger than I …

: Thankfully it’s finally weekend \o/ Yesterday was the first evening where I didn’t fall …

: I finally finished a thing today that has been on my to-do list for 4 years. It felt sooo good to …

: Still thinking about the Season 1 of House of Dragons after I watched it finally last Weekend Such a …

: Finally have that hell of a pitch behind me…had to do work on saturday and today 10 hours but …

: Yesterday’s lunch was Ravioli with tomato and olive oil sauce

: I’m now in chapter 8 in Yakuza 7 and I still don’t have a good idea what the hell is going on big …

: My own private Tokyo

: I will be so happy when this evening it’s FINALLY weekend, today and yesterday was a public train …

: This was one of my favorite Anime from my childhood and I was so lucky to find a shop that still …

: The whole Yuzu thing and how it unraveled so quickly is wild I wonder what brought it about so …

: Some of my birthday loot

: Got the coolest sidequest reward yesterday in a yakuza game since the chicken manager in Yakuza 0 …

: I really hope the dark grey of the last days will soon be replaced by some open skies and sunshine… …

: Caffeine’s Dirty Little Secret

: Watched the first 2 Episodes of Monarch today and really like what I have seen so far. But maybe it …

: Some people have too much free time on their hands… Pretty cool though lol

: Still love the Cranberries very much, the sound they produced is so chilly and unique, so have here …

: What are these hardcore cliffhangers in #Yakuza7 already happening in chapter 2?😱

: One of my favorite german Desserts With Carnival coming to a close here in Germany I bought some special Krapfen (german Donuts) for me …

: Birb

: If I haven’t dreamed the news earlier there are rumors that Xbox exclusives will come some time …

: Why has nobody told me that Billy Joel released a new song? Can’t wait to give it a listen

: Really liked the first State of Play of the year, FINALLY a release date for stellar blade and Rise …

: My Japanese Green Tea and Sweets delivery arrived🍵

: Castro really has found a new Owner, I wouldn’t have believed it…

: Finished Mario Wonder yesterday, what a wonderful and crazy game! Started The DioField Chronicle as …

: Been playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder for the last 3 days and it has been a wild ride. I have no …

: My “Post-Apocalyptic everyday things covered in moss” stickers arrived and they look …

: Since we’re almost into February already, little reminder for folks: Now is a great time to do …

: I’m really curious to see what at the end of 2024 will be more prominent: VR/AR Headsets or …

: The Rise and Fall of Ello Great writeup of the History of Ello and that there are no shortcuts to …

: I love the silly in-between fun in Marvel’s Spider Man 2 🥰

: My active and planned Subscriptions in 2024 As everyone was posting their Subs at the end of the year and what they plan to cut for 2024 I …

: My The Last of Us Artprints FINALLY made it to me and I’m really happy🤩

: Had a really lovely pizza for lunch today😌

: I wish I had so much freetime on my hands and didn’t know what to do with it😅 …

: Had Cannoli for the Coffee this afternoon😌☕️

: Sounds about right😌🎵

: Started the new year with my traditional smoked salmon bagel🥯 Now for a little nap😴

: Finally grabbed a HARIO Immersion Dripper Switch🥰 Can’t wait to give it a spin☕️😌

: Perfect #OnePiece Dungeon for the time after the christmas holidays

: Every year🤣🤣

: This one is funny because it’s true😆

: Christmas Dinner is always the Best🤤

: I made fresh bread yesterday for the Christmas food over the next days. Fresh bread is the best😌

: Anybody who needs to go to any kind of store today, godspeed! Don’t forget to take water and …

: Thank god Bobby Kotick is „leaving“ Activision at the end of this year…maybe I can finally play …

: After I lost 60 minutes of my life in the most pointless meeting of the year yesterday, here are 2 …

: Let‘s do this🫡

: I finished A hand with many Fingers yesterday on my Deck and it was an experience :D It’s like …

: I need to read more in the new year😅

: Christmas Tree acquired🎄

: Wow, Eddi Murphy has kept himself up really well😳🤯…

: Sometimes I do wonder what Apple is doing with their System Updates…. My iPad Mini Update from …

: Stopping and thinking about it, it’s amazing how far machine learning came this year. Where …

: Today is selfmade Japanese Curry Saturday 🍛

: Almost forgot I ordered this for next years Spooktober👻😌

: Wow, we just had a what seems like city-wide power outage for over 30min I wonder what broke?🤔

: More snow shenanigans❄️🌨️

: It’s Winter🥳❄️☃️🌨️

: Well, let’s give this scrobble a try for a few weeks and see if I get anything …

: Maybe if we keep hiding, Monday won’t find us👀

: After being a brave boy for the last few months, I treated myself to a few more games and an early …

: First snow of the Winter🥰❄️🌨️

: Lunch today was ravioli with cheese sauce, cucumber and pumpkin seeds🤤

: I’m maybe getting the first snow soon this year❄️😌

: I really like the Guardians of the Galaxy game so far! The banter, chaotic times and crazy things …

: Everything about Seo is obnoxius Great Post about why SEO People and Companies are the bain of the …

: The great-whites in this game are another kind of huge😳 #LikeaDragonIshin

: It’s a podcast catch-up kinda morning🥱

: RSS is still going strong That’s a very interesting idea, building something new ontop of rss …

: Our Boy Kir…uhm, Ryoma looking great in that Shinsengumi Haori🤩😌

: Now that it’s not too hot outside anymore I finally have been able to make some homemade bread …

: Happy Halloween to my American Peeps and everyone else who celebrates it🎃

: Why exactly was this an event and not an E-Mail or a Youtube Video release?

: Five Japanese Horrorfilms for a Haunted Halloween These are some great recommendations for a spooky …

: Have to say, buying a headrest for my office chair was one of the best investments I made this year

: Ups 🙈 Originally wanted to continue with Ishin but then made the error of opening this up and …

: Finished Arizona Sunshine last Night, such a fun and over the top game with strong Zombieland Vibes. …

: I’m currently playing Arizona Sunshine as my last Spooktober Game and I really dig the dry humor it …

: My colleague bought the first Christmas Cookies of the year today

: The Technical Side of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 VERY cool stuff (bring a coffee, it’s a long …

: The Future of a Better Web I really hope we can make it work and get it right this time🤞

: Had an urge to type on SA again even though I know I won’t like it for long… But since …

: Self-Checkout doesn’t work

: Made some Oyakodon and Miso Soup yesterday🍲

: Short review about The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation Finished the Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation as my first …

: Received my switches for my (for the time being) last keyboard

: How Google-Search Manipulates You This is absolutely crazy and I never even thought about such a …

: Dev-Journal for Atlantik 41 This is amazing, just stumpled onto this, I need to get this when it …

: Wow, Jim Ryan is set to step down in March of 2024🎮

: Todays Dinner was homemade Indian Daal

: Game Prices Are Too Low “Development costs are about 100 times higher than during the Famicom era, …

: Did put it off long enough, but I have now finally put my 2nd last mechanical keyboard together (was …

: It finally arrived!! A month late but I don’t care, the music in this game is so great, I had …

: It’s amazing how the food items in games look more and more delicious in the past few years, …

:… These leaks are bonkers🤯 I mean they’re totally right to say …

: Will have to watch the Nintendo Direct tomorrow since I have a busy workweek this week but at least …

: Nissin releases caffeinated Gamer Cup Noodles in Japan

: Space, the final frontier Congratulations to the JAXA on a successful launch and fingers crossed …

: Nordic Licorice (in this case Swedish) is sooo much better than german🤤

: First Steamdeck Mod for Starfield After only a few days there’s aleready a community Mod out that …

: The Impact of Ad-Blocking for news consumption

: The ending of Yakuza 6…wow That one will take a bit to sink in O.O

: First day back at work after vacation is always the hardest, hopefully today will go over easier and …

: The Last of Us TV-Show I have finished the HBO TV-Show of The Last of Us yesterday and I have to say: WOW It was really …

: There is a cat aptitude test in Japan If my Japanese would be 1000x better this is one test I would …

: Finally started Yakuza 6 and love it so far. Also, I’m already kneedeep into sidequests and …

: Got my new Green-Tea and Japanese sweets delivery yesterday. Also a new mug, can’t say no a …

: Politician takes responsibility for Problems with Government System This should be a role model for …

: My Review of Final Fantasy XVI The Different Times in Valisthea The story of the game is roughly divided into three parts of …

: The Beginning and the End of the Dreamcast Great write-up of the history of the Dreamcast for anyone …

: Baldur’s Gate 3 Surpasses Zelda: TotK With 2023’s Highest Metacritic Review Score The Game of Year …

: Amazing speed and folding technique

: New Engine for future Space Flight

: My first selfmade Mojito

: Sleeping in a Japanese Cafe